Tuesday, April 28, 2009

blog on ning 042809



















BFL PROMO and 70 more…Billy Blass, billy jones bluez, BLAKOKE ENTERTA..., Blaq Magiq Musiq, Bossolo, Breezy Bree, Bruce Black, ClairaC, Da' Hitman, Damien Willis, damir, darrio, Dboy, DennisBrown 50t..., DJ A.D.STYLES, DJ Fusion (Fuse..., DJ KING ASSASSIN, djksupreme, DJ MZ CHRISTA C..., Dj Scrill, DjTonyharder SnR, DJ TRUUF, Erin, Eroc, Full Klip, GODIVA, http://www.aaie..., IKING PRODUCTIONS, Imprecious Ente..., Jacque, Kanary Diamonds, Kechell, kei-von tyree a..., Kwin MD, Lady G, LaRue, Legion of Beats, L.Tucker, Madam Madon, Mamadou Diop, MBL records, Mike M.o.e.t, MISSY B, MOTOWN' ANGEL, Mustafa, Nick Morgan, Nola, NworcsRadio, NYSSA TAYLOR, Online Marketin..., POPPAHATZ, Prina, princess tiny ent, QueenTay, R.A.P Agency, Reign Supreme, Rubi, Shay Boogie, Stevie Stone, TAKIYAH DIXON, You, The House DJ NORA, The Sky Pilots ..., The Untouchable..., tina, Tracee A. Hanna, TRUNK HUSTLERS, wolfie, YOUNG SOUJIA and Yvonne Wilcox


Dear Seymour, I don't have a college degree. Are there any jobs out there in today's economy that don't require a college degree? - Submitted by Bill Sedine, Covington, Georgia A: Dear Bill,You're not alone, and many would say... View the entire entry:




Today is Tuesday, April 28th, 2009, it is the history of man it is Yom HaZolarpm, a day of memory for Israeli Independency as a State. Also, moving a little closer to home, if you don't mind, because I know somebody out there wanted to keep an eye on my ancestors. For this reason, I have not been past the southeastern mid-atlantic region in over 500 years, now go and tell that. If you like my chanting without video's, with voice messages, without professional pictures of me in a bra and panties, then check me out at Yahoo 360!, I am <a href="http://360.yahoo.com/Greek-t">Thalia S</a> or http://360.yahoo.com/Greek-t.


I have quite a few blogs that I have posted, on various networking sites. I have decided before I write a book that I will post quarterly. I also decided before I get my family news letter going, then I will post often on the blog sites of the network. I have a phenomenal story to tell about the matrix. I want to tell it to anyone who can listen, because the other day I found a woman to be very curt. I said to myself, now I know why you are experiencing problems. If an organization doesn't have a natural defense, then they think that you are angry with them because of your behavior. I can not walk in her shoes because she can just decide that she wants to be in an organization that doesn't pose a security threat. However, me, I must remain by blood with an organization. I don't speak of division, I speak of truth, and that is I personally would not try to break the barriers - but I know that my blood line affords me exclusive connections and access to limited resources from my family that is a society but is still a sovereign organization and can say "no."  I like to write and discuss human interaction. I find human interaction. Are the stories real, are the memories rational. Well that's for you to decide.


Right now, I have to balance the yearning of human nature, and that is to adjust to pollen and warm weather. That's right, I am writing from the area of the Greater Washington Metropolitan area. We are experiencing a warm trim of about five days since, April 24th, 2009. Today promises to be near 85 or more degrees.


Yesterday, I saw the ants gathering for work in their ant colony. I knew that a large queen ant was deep down in the warm tunnel of the earth. I like ants because they have signals through chemistry. Ants also understand the wild and survival and that crucial timing is everything.


I like birds because they know that the wild will provide for them. The other day, I saw two next lieing on the ground, the floor of the earth. I said to myself, tell me that a human being did not do this.... If so, I wish that I could have been the spirit moving in nature, to see if it was a Robin or another bird known for attacking the household of another bird... I wanted so badly to bow down and pick up the two birds next that were made from burnt grass and reach to the heavens of the earth and put it in a tree. I thought, would I get my skin bruised by a beek, what would happen? Could a bird use the nest as a recycled and already worn nest? I wondered what were the laws of the wild. I also thank God for my ancestors who lived in the wilderness repeatedly again and again.


Lastly, I like the dance of the caterpillar. In grade school, I had my daughter write a book, called, "Now I know why the caterpillar can fly." The book discuss the exciting cycle of the caterpillar. The cycle is very difficult and many don't live, does that sound like the human life cycle, well if it does then great because it is true. Many of us have so much potential but we do not get a chance to live, there are unfullfilled lives and talents thrown out to the universe, waiting for the Eternal Ones judgement.  Nevertheless, if the caterpillar does live, then he will bust forward the safety of the silk cocoon, one that is usually found on a tree but for some strange reason would flood the floor of my bottom floor and lower level ground floor apartment. I felt it was an honor that nature would trust me, year after year with the caterpillars, and even a waltz nest and bee's cone, sound fun huh, pretty dangerous and impure if you look at the laws of Leviticus 11:24-32 and verses 41 through 47 are the law of the animals to distinguish betweent he unclean and the clean (Parshah <a href="http://www.chabad.org/parshah/TorahReading_cdo/AID/15576/section/haftorah">Shemini</a>) etc.


Finally, we all must be minded of the critical life cycle that we must take to make us who we are. We are the strengths and beauty of ancestors. We are each other's people, all the good and the bad. Remember God created the black man first, from Chaos, and His word formed the earth. The caterpillar struggles more than the one time that we are formed much like any other creature bound by water in our Mother's womb, it is the man who says that he or she can be born, a daughter or a son to someone. It is the child that affirms that the Mother's womb is indeed not dead but is worth to be a quiver and are like bows of a warrior. It is always good to pass down oral and if you like written history to your children, so that they have an idea and or a parable of the inevitable strengths and the domitable legacy that each child possess within the members of their body. Every child has potential, and I challenge you to unleash the hidden fierceness that is the little child like voice inside of you today.


Well I gotta go, and I hope to see you again. If you get a chance, you check me out the Mother board, and that is Ning.com, http://www.ning.com/ThaliaSanders. There, you will find a dozen of so links and you can support me, while I will always support you. Take care and be blessed.


God loves you best,


~ Thalia



<p style="text-align: left;"><img src="http://api.ning.com/files/*t1qt*sF3*dptSsCcdEQjY4cXYQEm83CM8PCoeukLze3W*3evbrrpIcJwON4pC8LSypqbf2bknc4TiUOnIaYeKNlSB7x9SIU/Travel46_081904.jpg" alt="" width="400" height="261"/></p>After reading the following, I wonder do I have to cut down on the fast food and the potluck dinners. My hair and nails seem to be responding very well to the home cooked food. Who would think at 43 years old, that I still got it, my groove and the ability to lighten and darken whenever I want and to grow hair and nails.


Meanwhile the Swine flu has left 149 dead in Mexico. The World is on High Alert. The World Health Organization said the Phase is now on level 4. Level is sustained human to human transmission is causing outbreaks in at least one country, signaling a significant increase in the risk of a global epidemic.


The Mexican Helath Department first documented a case of a confirmed test on March 31st, 2009 of a four year old little boy. However a confirmed death was in the the southern region of the Oaxaca state on April 13th, 2009. Go to The <a href="http://www.expressnightout.com/printedition/">Washington Post Express </a>to read the time line and see the other countries that are comprised of the other 1,995 suspected cases.


The body tells us that if good stuff goes in then good stuff stays in. Don't treat your body like trash. I must admit that my body loves my hand to cook, who is going to make sure the pot is clean and the sink is sanitary? No one but me.


What will it take to ensure that Americans are safe and that this strand of flu doesn't over take us. I tell you until I stop eating out, I had gotten the flu every year and it was more resistent than the first one. Each year my fever was a little higher, and the flu would linger on a little longer.


Nevertheless, I leave you with this story that was e-mailed to me through a subscription from the <a href="http://www.rollcall.com">Roll Call </a>- which is also available on Facebook.com.


Swine Flu Epidemic Creates Call for More Federal Health Funding:

<i>As the world grapples with a potential health crisis from the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico, Congress is responding on several fronts. Expect the potential pandemic to ignite debate over vaccination stockpiles, health care reform, immigration policy and border security, among other issues. When Congress debated President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package earlier this year, the Senate removed, at Republicans' insistence, a provision to spend an additional $900 million for pandemic flu research and prevention. Now there is talk in Congress of restoring most of that funding, and Obama is considering proposing substantial spending increases for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health care agencies.


Should Congress boost funding for health care research and flu prevention in the wake of the swine flu epidemic in Mexico? Tell President Obama and Congress how you feel by voting in our action poll.</i>

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