S-1251 – Reuben Sanders
Reuben Sanders was a beloved ancestor of mine and lived he descended from Hardy Sanders, the son of James I, the son of Richard Sanders, the son of John Sanders, that arrived here in 1630. The aforesaid, are direct descendants of Aaron the Prophet of the Bible, in the Torah, and proud Jacobites.
In the Torah Portion we read that Aaron agrees to adopt the vestments’’ that come with his priestly duties in the office of a holy nation, Israel that is often referred to the House of Jacob. Although the Jacobites lose their quest to sovereignty over Scotland, the House of Stuart would be restored and bestowed into the House of Windsor (Exodus 27:20). Today as descendants of Aaron we want to be recognized as much more than slaves, but we take the life of God servants seriously and the rituals very seriously and we praise God, forever.
Reader: Ba-ruch a-ta Adonai, Eh-lo-hei-nu meh-lech ha-o-lam, a-sher na-tan la-nu To-rat eh-met, v’cha-yei o-lam na-ta b-to-chei-nu. Ba-ruch a-ta Adonai, no-tein ha-Torah.
We praise you, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe: You have given us a Torah of truth, implanting within us eternal life. We praise you, O God, Giver of the Torah.
Reuben Sanders, of Shelby County in the State of Kentucky who was a private in the service command by Captain ____ of the ____ commanded by _____ in the line for ____
Inscribes on the Roll of Kentucky at the issue rate of $30.00 dollars and $00.00 cents per annum is commenced on the 4th day of March 1834.
Certificate of pension issued the ___ of September 1832 (1833) and James S. Whitaker, Shelby ___.
Arrears to the 4th of September $75.00
Semi-annual allowance ending ___ $15.00 = $90.00
Revolutionary Claim Act, June 7th 1832
Recorded by ____ Clerk, Book 6 Volume 7 Page 28
A Statement, showing the service of Reuben Sanders, at age 69 years old.
1780 – 3 months, Private served under Colonel Matthews
1780 – 3 months, Private served under Colonel Jamison
1780 – 3 months, Private served under Colonel Jamison
1780 – 3 months, Private served under Colonel Jamison
1781 – 3 months, Private served under Colonel Jamison
I am respectfully, your obedient services, J. L. Edwards, Commissioner of Pensions
State of Kentucky, Shelby County Court
On this 15th day of October 1832 personally appeared in Open Court before the Justice of the County Court for Shelby County now sitting. Reuben Sanders of the County of Shelby and State of Kentucky aged about 69 years, who was born in Caroline County, in the State of Virginia, who being first duly sworn according to law has on this oath made the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, dated the 4th of June 1832. That he entered the service of the U.S. under the following the named officers and served herein stated:
In the year 1780 in the County of Caroline, State of Virginia, he the said Reuben Sanders at the age of 16 years was drafted into the service under Captain Jamison whose company was attached to the Regiment of Militia Commanded by Colonel Matthews. Captain Jamison company was first mustered into service at Williamsburg in the State of Virginia and he served three months and then was discharged at Richmond, Virginia, he does not recollect whether he received a written discharge or not, if he did he lost it. ___ about a month after he returned home was again called into the service by a draft and was mentioned into service under Captain Jeremiah Upsher, whose company he thinks was attacked to the regiment commanded by the said Colonel he at that time served three months and was then discharged and returned home and sometime in the latter part of the 1781, he was again drafted into the service (and as ell as he now recollects) was attached to the company of ____ Captain Jamison who was also attached to the Colonel Matthews Regiment and served three months as was the siege of Little York at which time Cornwallis surrendered – and was then marched to Fredericksburg and discharged. The said Reuben Sanders hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of the Agency of any State or Territory to his knowledge sworn to subscribe the day of the year aforesaid.
I, William Tinsley of the County of Shelby and the State of Kentucky residing in the County and the State of foresaid do certify that I am well acquainted with Reuben Sanders. Application executed on October 15, 1832.
Reuben’s cousin, the son of his uncle James (Sanders) III was also sent in the military on the second call. James III was sent a replacement on the first call. William Sanders, was the paternal uncle of Reuben (father Hardy and roll of the wife and mother Lucy Utley) and James II (father James II and roll of the wife and mother, Sarah Tulley), and related to the young men through their fathers which was his brother. It was this generation or the generation after it that had lost a life to the warring Indians. Well what can I say; a Yankee knows how to kick butt. Other facts, is that Rueben was definitely born in 1764. His cousin James III has conflicting dates of the year of 1761 (12/24/1761) and 1762 (03/18/1762). However Reuben did enlist in 1780 from Caroline County, Virginia. He served three – three month tours.
Reuben served as a private in the VA troops on three tours of three months each under Captain Jamison and Jeremiah Upshur and Colonel Matthews and was the siege of Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered.
Other scholarly research leads us to know that when Cornwallis returned from England he went straight to the southeast, in North America, the United States of America. On arrival Wikipedia writes that, “in Virginia, Cornwallis took command of the existing British forces in the region, which had been commanded by Major General William Phillips. Phillips, a good personal friend of Cornwallis, died two days before Cornwallis reached his position at Petersburg.[10] Having marched without informing Clinton of his movements, (communications between the two British commanders was by sea and extremely slow, sometimes up to three weeks)[11] he sent word of his northward march and engaged in destroying American supplies in the Chesapeake region.
In March 1781, in response to the threat of Cornwallis, General Washington had dispatched Marquis de Lafayette to defend Virginia. The young Frenchman had 3,200 men at his command, but British troops in the state now totaled 7,200.[12] Lafayette skirmished with Cornwallis, avoiding a decisive battle while gathering reinforcements. It was during this period that Cornwallis received orders from Clinton to choose a position on the Virginia Peninsula - referred to in contemporary letters as the "Williamsburg Neck" - and construct a fortified naval post to shelter ships of the line.[13] In complying with this order, Cornwallis put himself in a position where it would be easy to become trapped. With the arrival of the French fleet under the Comte de Grasse and General George Washington's combined French-American army, Cornwallis found himself cut off. After the Royal Navy fleet under Admiral Thomas Graves was defeated by the French at the Battle of the Chesapeake, and the French siege train arrived from Newport, Rhode Island, his position became untenable. He surrendered to General Washington and the French commander, the Comte de Rochambeau, on October 19, 1781.”
The Patriot Resources writes that, “In 1776, he was promoted to Brig. Genearal, then Maj. General then commander of all Massachusetts troops in the Boston area. After the British evacuation of Boston, Lincoln joined General George Washington at New York, commanding the right wing at the Battle of White Plains. Shortly after seeing action at Fort Independence, he was commissioned into the Continental Army as a Major General.Biography of Benjamin Lincoln. General Lincoln moved south with General Washington and then was sent to the Northern Department to help against Maj. General John Burgoyne's campaign. After recovering from a severe wound, Lincoln was appointed Southern Department Commander in September 1778. He failed to reclaim Georgia and then surrendered Charleston in May 1780. After being exchanged, he soon returned to Washington's main army, even leading it south to Virginia and, at least according to popular myth, playing a major role in the Yorktown surrender on October 20, 1781. Following the war, he stayed active in public life in various capacities until his retirement in 1809. He died in Hingham in 1810.”
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