Mi cha-mo-cha ba-ei-lim, Adonai? Mi ka-mo-cha, neh-dar ba-ko-desh, no-ra t’hi-lot, o-sei feh-leh? Shi-ra cha-da-sha shi-b’chu g’u-lim l’shi-m’cha al s’fat ha-yam; ya-chad ku-lam ho-du v’him-li-chu v’a-m’ru: Adonai Yim-loch l’o-lam va-ed!
Who is like You, Eternal One, among the gods that are worshipped?
Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? A new song the redeemed sang to Your name. At the shore of the sea, saved from destruction, they proclaimed Your sovereign power: “The Eternal One will reign for ever and ever!”
A descendant from the Aahronic line, of the tribe of Israel, and of Jewish Descent, John Sanders was a private in the Revolutionary American Army. A Jacobite is a descendant (adherent) James the second, who is the son of Charles I, and the king of England. James II wrote the Bible and lived from 1633 to 1701. His father was Charles I (Charles Stuart, the king of England and was beheaded. He was born in 1600 and died in 1649. John Sanders is a descendant of the James the Second and the second son, a descendant (direct) of John Sanders and his wife Mary Sanders. His father, John Sanders may have been a Colonel in the Continental Army. John Sanders the Son of Mr. and Mrs. John and Mary Sanders was born on September 12, 1783. On March 2nd, 1833 he received a certificate of pension, while in the State of Tennessee, a resident in the county of Claiborne; which is a benefit that is an Act of Congress [see Book D, Volume 9, and page 112]. He was attached to a North Carolina regiment out of Dobbs County, under the direction of Colonel Shepherd. John Sanders, the Son of Mary and John Sanders, had an older brother named Jesse Sanders and he was born on August 14th, 1781. The third sibling was Richard Sanders, and he was born on September 12th, 1785. The sibling after Richard was William Sanders, and he was born on January 10th, 1788. In March of 1833, their son William Sanders was the administrator. Then, John and Mary Sanders, the parents of John Sanders, the Revolutionary Soldier, had a daughter named Nancy. The sister of John Sanders was born on March 10th, 1790. The next sibling was Isaac Sanders, and he was born on February 11th, 1794. Then the next son of Mary and John Sanders was Abraham Sanders, and he was born on December 12th, 1796. Then the next sibling was David Sanders and he was born on October 6th, 1799. The last son of John and Mary Sanders was named Samuel Sanders and he was born on August 8th, 1808.
A descendant from the Aahronic line, of the tribe of Israel, and of Jewish Descent, was a descendant (direct) of James T. Sanders. John Sanders and Sarah Grant were married and had a son named James T. Sanders. According to the Sanders family bible, the fifth generation of Sanders to arrive from England, James T. Sanders was born in North Carolina. John Sanders, a fifth generation to arrive in America from England was born in Johnston County, North Carolina, and was born in March 18th, 1762 and died in Kentucky. He married Sarah Grant, who was the daughter of William Grant (son of William and Margery Grant of Pennsylvania) and Elizabeth Boone. Sarah Grant was the daughter of Elizabeth; and the niece of the pioneer legend Daniel Boone. Sarah Sanders was born January 25th, 1759 and she died in March 29th, 1814. James T. Sanders was the fifth generation descendant of John Sanders that arrived in Nansemond County, Virginia, from England in 1630. He was born in Johnston County, on September 20th, 1793 in Johnston County, North Carolina and lived in Surry County, North Carolina and Oglethorpe County Georgia. James Sanders was also engaged in the War of 1812, the Battle of the River Raisin. The War of 1812 was a massacre that occurred, on the Raisin River in 1813. The Battle of the River Raisen has been one of the least studied and least understood events in Michigan History.
The Lord’s Reign in Zion
The Mountain of the LORD
Micah 4th Chapter (v. 1-5)
1 In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.
2 Many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
3 He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
4 Every man will sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken.
5 All the nations may walk in the name of their gods; we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.
Eternal truth it is that You alone are God, and there is none else.
May all the world rejoice in Your love and exult in your justice.
Let them beat their swords into plowshares; let them beat their spears into pruning—hooks.
Let nation not lift up sword against nation: let them study war no more.
You shall not hate another in your heart; you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Let the stranger in your midst be to you as the native; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
From the house of bondage we went forth to freedom; so let all be free to sing joy:
The end
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