Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Restoring grace to your posterity

Hello, I was inspiried recently when I heard a sermon that proclaimed to take back your blessings. Sure everything wasn't going to be perfect, and it really never is until the final redemption. However, I learned that it is within my power to proclaim my destiny for a breakthrough: a spirit healing, cleansing of my mind, body and soul; a financial prosperity and reuniting with family[/caption] Welcome to This is my first post, the other post are imported from

Life by the Spirit

13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. (Galatians 5:13-15,20-22) Jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself, so don’t you want your neighbor to have a certain future of freedom, life, the pursuit of liberty and justice for all? I think neighbors are similar to family members. One you have neighbors all over the world, as we are all global citizens of this great earth. Two, we are near our neighbors for a reason, like our family -- our connection to our neighbors should be for safety. If I could choose the neighbors that I have then it wouldn't be my lot. Likewise, with my family sometimes I think that my oldest sister should be put up for adoption; and my daughter has been very interesting as soon as she approached her tween years.  Hello and I am so happy to see you. God bless you for joining me this day. I miss you so much, during my hiatus because of school; and I often wondered what I would say? What did you think I should write about? In my writing, I never wanted to post too many Memorial Parsha’s, but there is nothing better that I love than to critique the bible study at a synagogue or a church. Yet, I did not want everything to be about my belief system, my tenets, my values and my principles. Though, I never mind sharing my faith. It is when I read the writings of other people faiths, it is this time that I am so inspired. On the contrast, another adventurous moment was when I was  doing temporary work for staffing agency clients – now everyday was different but interesting. It was not until God showed me that there was a hedge of protection over me; that I felt value to each and every connection. Finally, the other upcoming topics I will be discussing is the NFL scandal; bi-partisan politician scandals and discussing topics from the classroom of course. And last but not least trying to look at it, to hold it... the Gael, the GAEL, and the GAEL. [youtube=] Wow, I can never put down all of the topics that I have been waiting to talk to you about since the Spring of 2012. I put myself to the test, to gain a new language, and a new skill. I want to excel in Math. I love a challenge, though I admit that math is not my strong suit. Neither is math one of my favorite subjects. I believe that you will do well in Math, as long as you practice and study in Math. If you don’t enjoy practicing and studying Math, then you might not do well. Nevertheless, the most challenging Math to me is the word Applications in Algebra. I am no longer intimidated by a word problem from Algebra, because of fear that I have no idea what formula to make application and solve. Math can never be a substitute for reading the Bible, so don’t get it twisted. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="851"] Holding the Gael, proudly[/caption] Where do we start? First, I would like to say that I am still a society member of various Scottish Societies and (Family) Associations. The month of August was really hard for us. Not only was it witching season for most Mac Donnells (Mac Donald’s) but we lost a very important component and integral team leader, the late great David Mac Donald Rankin, a true son of the Keppoch’s of Glencoe, Scotland.  True? Yes, a true son of Keppoch. His lineage was discussed at his Washington funeral; and then, he had a second one in Blackstone, Virginia. During the testament, many of us were made aware of the family’s history in the Massacre of Glencoe by the Campbell’s. We (three) shared the good times of what we knew about our fallen society member. Dave also descended from family that were part of the battle of Culloden (mid 16th century), the last stand of the Scottish people, before the Scottish Exodus and the Scottish Diaspora went into full speed. Sometimes I wish Dave were here to read about the drive for Scottish Independence, in 2014. I really want Scotland to have Independence from England. Not because I am a descendant of the Scottish Diaspora. My paternal and maternal ancestors arrived from Scotland during the late 14th Century. Just looking at those numbers lets me know that I come from a strong line of Gaelic warriors. Caveat emptor, if you have anything to say other than nationality – then I don’t want to hear it. We are the human race. I say this because many foreigners do not understand my heritage. Therefore, they decide that they will tell me who I am, when during war fare your ancestors lost against mine, why would I submit now in 2014. (Enter picture of boots gun and lonely horse YouTube video of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, and the bagpipes and solemn horn) [youtube=] My mother’s side went to war against the Nation of Cherokee and eventually had to forfeit all of their hostages, which would be us, the Cherokee Watson that John Watson had probably claimed as the spoils of war. To this day, as rebels to the U.S. government, we have retained our identity as true and original Cherokee. You have to know that God has a way of reminding you your ancestors, even when you try to forget or don’t want to be totally defined by your past. On my Father’s side, a descendant of Glengarry, Scotland named John Sanders was an actor of the Bacon’s Rebellion. He was a son of Richard Sanders. However, the Bacon’s Rebellion was very interesting it was at the pivotal turning point of American history and politics toward European continent (lack of trade with the Dutch), the Native Americans, the African Americans etc. Galatians 5:20-22, the spirit of God is the promise that is a provision of Jesus being on the cross in your life.[/caption] Learning about my past, has made me stronger for the future. Yet, I have never lied about my past, or who I thought I was. In times like this, a wise woman told me that you have to have knowledge of self and a root identity, and don’t ever be afraid to ask a question or go look up the answer. I am happy that I learned about Scottish society through David. He poured a lot of information in me, and I don’t want any of our conversations to be in vain. I learned so much about Scottish Society, Scottish culture and Scottish language. I dream of a day that my children and I will return to the mother land, from about 500 years ago, in Scotland. We can go to Scotland not because we are trying to do what other people are doing; that I don’t ever have to keep up with anyone else. I will be in Scotland because I am an heir of the history, the museums, and the castles. I can travel to Scotland because I was given a book that I am still reading, called “Highland Heritage,” by Barbara Fairweather. Moreover, I enjoyed the many gifts of knowledge about Scottish life that were bestowed upon me. There will never be another one like him. I cherish the times that he would let me wait on him and drive him around, to him I was driving him crazy. Lol. The first week after he died, you could often see me walking around town crying baby tears, but I had to get off of stuck-on-stupid because the stress of missing someone; and being selfish because someone is resting in peace took a toll on my body. It was an honor to serve him, like driving to the Gaelic Highland games etc. Nevertheless, I know that I can best favor David’s memory by holding the Scottish Gael. I know he is in heaven at the pearly gates of the New Jerusalem welcoming all the Mac Donald’s that did not know that they were a Donald. Both of us were pretty big on unifying the Gaelic culture, as it pertains to the Scottish Highlands, this was very important to us. In the near future, there will be toast, for a wee bit of dram raised to honor the memory of his name. I shall feel like there is an angel in his likeness guiding me all the way through the truth, the liberty and the knowledge of the Scottish people. In closing, I just want to tell you what are the core subjects for the fall lineup of my blog, which are Scottish Culture; Biblical Portions of the Old Testament with the New Testament; African Continent with emphasis on charity and a new topic the #SavetheDonbass people. Yes, I will be putting my best foot forward, like our President said and as an American – I will be taking the lead to ensure that not just the Ukrainian people of the Donetsky region but all people have a hopeful future, one that they had hoped for and envisioned for their selves because of sovereignty and self-determination. Likewise all core topics will be diligently researched and compared from the various library systems throughout the Greater Washington Metropolitan, especially the African continent. As I have no ancestors that probably had contact with North Africa prior to 1400 AD. If you are reading this from my African Orphanage page, then you know that I will continue to make trips to the different library systems throughout the DMV (the District of Columbia, state of Maryland and the state of Virginia). I have a library card for each state.   Well gotta go, it’s so hard to comment on the rich people, when the bible expressly prohibits the Servants of the Lord (the court system) from oppressing the poor, failing to be merciful, compassion to the poor and strangers and defending the orphan (and the widow of the responsibility of the church) and the helpless.  What about you, what do you believe in? #Ibelieve.  I believe in One God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour, the Son of God, the Messiah who died on the cross, came down on the cross on the third day for me and you. I will walk away from you if you talk about my heritage, and I will tell you that I don’t want to hear it. I am (an heir of) the seed of Abraham. For this reason, I have been ordained, sent and layed hands upon from those who I have proven that I am worthy and called by Christ to serve the Church. I want to serve a church that I plant, and I want to realize my dreams, that is not always an option but a God sent mandate. Most importantly, no matter what goes wrong, pray that I stay in God’s path, stay in God’s will, and go to a higher level through the unctioning of the Holy Spirit for my ultimate redemption. (John 16:33, Matthew 27:20) [youtube=]

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